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Workshops: ICOAI 2023

ICCSIT 2023 - July 6-8, 2023 - Hybrid Conference

ICCSIT 2023 was hosted by University of Haute-Alsace, France. This conference is a hybrid event, combining both onsite and online participation.

Five renowned speakers shared with us their research works. They were Prof. Fakhri Karray (IEEE Fellow), University of Waterloo, Canada; Prof. Ling Liu (IEEE Fellow), Georgia Institute of Technology, USA; Prof. Edward Y. Chang (ACM Fellow / IEEE Fellow), Stanford University, USA; Prof. Toufik Bakir, University of Burgundy, France; Assoc. Prof. Gokhan Erdemir, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, USA.


 Keynote & Invited Speakers 

Prof. Fakhri Karray (IEEE Fellow)
University of Waterloo, Canada

Prof. Ling Liu (IEEE Fellow)
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Prof. Edward Y. Chang (ACM Fellow / IEEE Fellow)
Stanford University, USA

Prof. Toufik Bakir
University of Burgundy, France


Assoc. Prof. Gokhan Erdemir
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, USA



 Best Presenters 


Online 1-Best Presenter: WS3022
Reins Freibergs, Riga Technical University, Latvia

Online 2-Best Presenter: WS1085
Hassnae Remmach, LAMIGEP, Morocco


Online 3-Best Presenter: WS3025
Sahaj Shandilya, Indian Institute of Technology, India